12 May 2013

Question Of The Day #64: The Beginning

Weekly Theme: TATA Group

At the extension of a very famous business of the TATA's  in 1895, J N Tata famously
said, “We do not claim to be more unselfish, more generous, or more philanthropic
than other people. But, we think, we started on sound and straightforward business
principles, considering the interests of our shareholders our own, and the health and
welfare of our employees the sure foundation of our prosperity”.

Identify the company(A), its name when it was started(B), the date when it was inaugurated(C) and the other importance of the particular date(D).

Answer: (Please highlight the text below)

A- Empress Mills
B- Central India Spinning, Weaving and Manufacturing Company
C- 1st January,1877
D- Queen Victoria was proclaimed Empress of India on that day.


  1. A- Tata Steel
    B- Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited (TISCO)
    C- August 26, 1907

  2. Correct answer is as follows.
    A- Empress Mills
    B- Central India Spinning, Weaving and Manufacturing Company
    C- 1st January,1877
    D- Queen Victoria was proclaimed Empress of India on that day
